Are you making just the minimum payments on your credit cards?

making just the minimum paymentsIf I just make the minimum payments due on my credit cards, will I ever pay them off?

Not likely!

The credit card industry has successfully created an "easy pay plan" for consumers that almost guarantees that they will never pay off their credit cards.


By charging a very high interest rate and only requiring a very low (too low) minimum payment.


  • Let's say you have a credit card with a balance of $3,000.
  • The Annual Percentage Rate is 21%.
  • The minimum payment this card requires is 2.02% of the balance, or in this case, ($3,000 x .0202) = $60.60.
  • You make a payment of $60.60 to XYZ Visa.

Next month, you get your bill and unlike most consumers, you take a closer look and discover:

Previous Balance                                           $3,000.00

Interest and fees (for this example, we won't add any late or over-the-limit fees)                                        $     51.78

You mailed in $60.60 as a minimum payment   -$     60.60

Only to discover that your NEW BALANCE is       $2,991.18

Your right! Your balance went down by only $8.82!

What happened?

You just fell prey to the credit card industry's "scam" of letting consumers think that if they just make the minimum payment on their credit cards, they'll be OK.

Let's take a closer look:

Most credit cards use a formula that calculates the Average Daily Balance (ADB) and Daily Periodic Interest (DPI) to determine how much of your payment goes to INTEREST and how much actually goes to the BALANCE. There are other methods, but this is normal.

To determine your ADB and DPI:

If your total balance was $3,000, to find the Average Daily Balance (ADB), divide the total balance by the number of days since your last payment was applied. In this case:

              $3,000 divided by 30 days = ADB of $100

Now determine the Daily Periodic Interest (DPI) they charged you:

Take the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) or .21 and divided by 365 (days in a year of course).  In our case:

               .21 divided by 365 = .0005753 = DPI

Now find the Average Daily Interest (ADI):

To find out how much interest you actually paid per day:

  DPI .0005753   X  ADB $100  X   30 days =  ADI or 1.7259

Finally, to determine how much interest you paid:

      ADI 1.7259  X  30 days = $51.78 

                      SHOCKED!           YOU SHOULD BE!

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that at this rate, it may take a lifetime to pay of this debt if all you do is make the minimum payment!

For FREE information about how to pay off your credit cards in a fraction of the time and save thousands of dollars in interest and fees, please click here. making just the minimum payments






Tags: debt relief programs, best way to eliminate credit card debt, making just the minimum payments

Debt Consolidation Program vs. Debt Consolidation Loan


With all the terminology that is being thrown around today, it is easy to understand how you might become confused with the difference between a Debt Consolidation Program and a Debt Consolidation Loan.  

Are they the same thing? NO

Debt Conoslidation Loan

  • In general terms, a Debt Consolidation Loan refers to the action of combining several smaller debts into one larger debt. This usually creates a lower interest rate and a fixed monthly payment. However, it is important to fully understand the implications of choosing a debt consolidation loan to pay down your debts. Do you have equity in your home? In today’s market, housing values are falling. Is it wise to put your home on the line to pay off credit cards? Consider this, credit card debt is considered unsecured. This means that the only collateral underwriting your credit card balance is your signature. By using your home equity to pay off your usecured credit card debt you are turning it into secured debt.  If you get behind, you could lose your home.
  • Second mortgages and home equity lines of credit usually carry long terms, so while your interest rate may be lower, you pay it over a long period of time. You may end up paying more over time.

Debt Consolidation Program

  • Debt Consolidation Program Counselors negotiate with your creditors to accept a smaller monthly payment over 48-60 months. Most major creditors have pre-set agreements with Debt Consolidation Programs as to what percent of a balance they will accept at what interest rate. This payment and lower interest rate can save some you hundreds of dollars per month. Not only that, but with a level payment plan (paying the same payment each month) you can be debt free in four to five years You can always pay more if your circumstances change which will get you out of debt even sooner!
  • Through a Debt Consolidation Program, your credidebt consolidation program vs debt consolidation loant card accounts will be re-aged.  This simply means that your accounts are brought back to current status, so you are no longer behind. This will put a stop to the accumulation of late fees and will STOP COLLECTION CALLS
  • Your Debt Consolidation Program Counselors will also arrange for one monthly payment to be withdrawn from your bank account automatically. At that time a pre-arranged payment is dispersed to each of the creditors in your Debt Consolidation Program. As you pay off your creditors, and work towards being debt free, the remaining credtiors get a larger payment, while your monthly payment remains the same.

Although these two options appear similar on the surface. There are some very key differences that you need to understand before making your final decion.  If you still need some assistance in deciding which is the right choice for you, our Debt Consolidation Counselors are happy to discuss your current situation and point you in the right direction.

Debt Consolidation Program vs Debt Consolidation Loan

Tags: debt relief programs, debt consolidation program vs debt consolidation l, debt consolidation, best way to eliminate credit card debt, credit counseling

Help! I need debt settlement advice!

debt settlement advice I have too much credit card debt and need debt  settlement advice.

 What are my options?

 When overwhelmed with too much unsecured credit card debt, before you decide on a course of action, take some time to analyze your unique situation.

Can you meet the total minimum payments on all of your cards?

If the answer is no, then Debt Settlement may be the best choice for you. 

How does Debt Settlement work?

Instead of continuing to make normal minimum monthly payments that do little to reduce the original principle, determine how much you an set aside each month in a savings or reserve bank account with a qualified Debt Settlement Company.

These funds will be used to negotiate a settlement of you account in the future.

Can I negotiate settlements on my own?

Yes, but understand that the collectors you will be dealing with are trained professionals.  Their job is to get as much money out of you as possible and they will use every technique possible to do so!

Most Debt Settlement Companies have experienced, trained negotiators who may be able to settle you debts at 30%-40% and even including their fees, the total may be less than you would be able to negotiate on your own.

It also takes a lot of time to negotiate a settlement.  If you do not have the time or patience, you may end up spending much more than if you hired a professional debt settlement company.

What happens after the settlement?

Before you agree to a settlement, make sure, absolutely sure, that you get the agreement in writing before authorizing a check-by-phone or sending any money!

It is not uncommon for unsuspecting credit card customers to be lied to when negotiating a settlement.  Remember...NO WRITTEN SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT...NO DEAL!

Once the settlement is completed, you should request a letter stating the account has been settled-as-agreed.

If you do not receive a letter, then contact the creditor until you get one.  Do not be surprised if it takes a couple of months!


Tags: best way to eliminate credit card debt, debt relief solutions, settling credit card debt on your own, debt settlement help

Help! Get me out of debt!

debt summary

Too much debt? Not enough money? What can you do?

Millions of consumers carry so much credit card debt that it will be almost impossible for them to ever repay the debt by making just the minimum payments.

Of course, the credit card industry knows this, in fact, they really do not want you to ever pay off all of your debt, because their profits come from the outrageous interest and fees they charge!

But if you have had enough and are serious about getting out of debt, here's a plan:


As long as you keep charging, you'll never get out of debt.

If you are serious about, cut them up, burn them, get totally rid of these monsters!


You should use a basic budget planner to help determine how much you have coming in (net, after all deductions) and how much you have going out.

If you total all of you balances, the average minimum monthly payment required will be about 2% of the balance.

Example:  If you have $10,000 of total credit card debt, at 2%, your minimum payment would be about $200/month.

If you have enough left over to make more than the minimum payments due on all of your cards, great! (If not, we'll show you what to do later.)

List all of you cards by:

  • Balance
  • Interest rate
  • minimum payment

Let's say you have $300/month to apply to your credit card balances.

Take the lowest balance and pay the minimum due and add an extra $100.  Pay the minimum on the remaining cards, for a total of $300.

Once the first card is paid off, apply the minimum you were paying on it plus the extra $100 and pay that toward the next.


Card 1 has minimum of $50.  You pay $150 until the balance is $0.

Card 2 has a minimum of $100.  You know pay $150 (minimum of first plus $100) plus the usual $100 for a total of $250.

When it is paid off, you do the same for card #3.

You won't pay them off over night, but you'll probably cut 7-10 years and save thousands in interest and fees.


The you will need to contact a professional Debt Management Company to determine if you should enroll in a Debt Management Program Debt Settlement Program.

In a Debt Management Program, your creditors agree to reduce the interest rates and fees.  You will make one payment monthly (probably close to the $200) and it will be disburse to each creditor according to the agreements.

It will probably take about 48 months or so to pay off all of your cards.


Then you will most likely be enrolled in a Debt Settlement Program.

Credit card companies will charge off delinquent debts after about 180 days.  These accounts will usually be transferred to a debt collection agency. 

At this point, a settlement of approximately 50% of the balance is possible.

Although it is possible to do-it-yourself, debt settlement takes a lot of time and dealing with professional debt collectors can be very frustrating.

If none of these work for you, then you may consider seeking the advice of a bankruptcy attorney. 

Tags: credit card debt, debt settlement, best way to eliminate credit card debt, debt elimination without bankrupcy, alternatives to bankruptcy

Debt Consolidation really works!

This news clip shows a real life Debt Consolidation success story.  Check it out!


Tags: debt consolidation success, debt relief programs, debt consolidation, best way to eliminate credit card debt, debt relief solutions, credit counseling

5 Tips for Financial Success in 2011!


What's your new years resolution? If you're like most people out there you have probably vowed to exercise more, spend more time with family, or even simple learn something new.  I did a little research and one of the top ten new years resolutions being made of 2011 is to become more financially stable.

Here are my top 5 tips to get you financial success in the new year!

#1 REVIEW YOUR CREDIT REPORT - Much of your financial future depends on the contents of your credit report. It is incredibly important to obtain your report, review it for accuracy and dispute any errors. Everyone is allowed one free report from each of the three major bureaus once every twelve months. You can access all three of your credit reports at

#2 REDUCE YOUR DEBT - If you’ve dug a deep financial hole, stop digging. Piling new debt on top of old is a red flag that you are living beyond your means. Lock up the credit cards until they’re paid in full.  If that is not an option, or you need your credit cards just to maintain your monthly bills, you might need the help of a trained Debt Solutions Specialist.  They can help you determine what options are available to you and work with you to eliminate your debt fast!   

#3 TRACK YOUR SPENDING FOR ONE MONTH – Have everyone in the household participate. Write down every penny that is spent. It’s the small, miscellaneous expenses that often wreck the best of plans. At the end of the month, come together to review your spending. This is the only way you can truly know where your hard-earned money is going.

#4 MAKE A SPENDING PLAN – Once you’ve tracked your spending, you can then make decisions as to how you want to allocate the money. Continue tracking with the new plan in place. Keep doing so until you find a plan that is right for your family. Click on the link below for a FREE BUDGET WORKSHEET!

Financial Success in 2011

#5 COMMIT TO SAVE -  If you are anything like me, you are great spender and a lousy saver. However, without a well-funded savings account, you are on a very slippery slope, one that becomes treacherous with the next unplanned expense. Put 10 percent of each take-home check into a savings account. Make this a non-negotiable bill and have it automatically withdrawn from your checking acount. You can also find extra money to dedicate to saving by putting all raises, bonuses, birthday checks, into savings. This will create a cushion that should see you through most short-term emergencies.

Good luck on becoming financially organized in the new year. Let's talk next year and you can let me know just how well you did!

Tags: credit card debt, debt relief programs, best way to eliminate credit card debt, create a budget, financial success in 2011, budgeting

Debt Elimination Plan

debt elimination planWhat is the best debt elimination plan?

  • A new year
  • Too much unsecured, credit card debt
  • Time for a plan

The holidays are almost over and for most people, they find themselves with more credit card or other unsecured debt than they can handle.


Know exactly where you stand, financially.

The first step in any debt elimination plan is to take the time to complete a thorough BASIC HOUSEHOLD BUDGET.

Be honest with yourself!

If you are spending $100/month on stuff like:

  • Starbucks
  • Fast food
  • Video poker
  • other non-essential stuff

Maybe it is time to get tough on yourself and make some cuts!  If you are serious about eliminating debt, this is critical!

Attack the Credit Cards!


Are you serious about you Debt Elimination Plan?

Then it's time to destroy those cards!  Keeping those cards available will only lead to more debt.

The credit card industry preys on people by offering:

  • Easy credit
  • Low monthly payments
  • Earn "points" to be used to buy more stuff!

What they don't tell you is that if you only make the minimum payments due on the cards, you will most likely end up paying back 3-4 times the original amount you borrowed and may take you 10-15 years to do so!

Know what?

Each case will be different (that's why it is so important for you to complete the BASIC BUDGET WORKSHEET.

Let's say you have $25,000 of total credit card debt.  With the average credit card allowing you to only pay 2% of the balance, your total minimum payment would be $500/month.

Let's say you have $650 at the end of each month:


Although there are many "Snowball Plan Calculators" available online, the concept is simple:

Apply the extra $150 to the lowest balance while keeping up with the other card's minimum balances due.

Once this card is paid off (you'll be surprised to see how fast), then take the extra $150 PLUS the normal minimum balance you were paying on that card you just paid off PLUS the normal minimum payment on card #2 and apply to card #2.  

If you keep this going (always a total of $650/month), you will get these cards paid off in an average of 48 months or so and save thousand of dollars in interest and fees!


But, what if you don't have any extra money at the end of the month?  In fact, you can barely make the minimum payments now!

Then you are should seek the help of a Debt Management Company that can evaluate  (for FREE) your situation and recommend the proper program.

If you are serious about a Debt Elimination Plan, you will find a way to be DEBT FREE!



Tags: debt calculator, debt relief programs, best way to eliminate credit card debt, alternatives to bankruptcy

I need debt settlement advice!

too much debtA prospect wrote, "Christmas is over and I charged too much!"  Can you help with debt settlement advice?

When someone calls and tells us that their credit card debt has grown to a level where they cannot keep up with the minimum payments, they are in serious trouble.

Bankruptcy should be the last option, so what can they do?

First, we advise that they should get a clear financial picture of their situation.  They need to complete a BASIC BUDGET in order to find out exactly where they stand.

Next, it's time to be honest with yourself.

If your net disposable income (net left over after all bills are paid, excluding credit debt) is less than the minimum total payments required on all of your credit cards, then you really only have 3 options:

1.  Do you qualify for a Debt Management Program?  If you do, then you will have ONE MONTHLY PAYMENT that will be disbursed to each of your creditors according to agreements made with each creditor.

Some creditors will reduce the payment, interest rate and fees to allow you to pay off 100% of the balance over approximately 48 months.

Your creditors will NOT be calling you and according to FICO, being enrolled in a debt management program IS NOT A FACTOR of your credit score.

If you qualifiy for a debt management program, it would be your best option.

2.  If the total payment of a debt management program is still too high, then DEBT SETTLEMENT may be your best option.

Debt Settlement is a program designed to negotiate reduced payoffs on you unsecured credit card debt.  usually, the settlement is at 50% or so.

Instead of making regular monthly payments to your creditors, you will save an amount each month that your budget can handle. 

If you are not disciplined enought to leave this account alone, you may need to seek the help of a professional Debt Settlement Company.

Once a settlement has been negotiated and payment completed, the account will be listed on your credit report as "settled" or "settled at a reduced amount" or something like that.

People always ask, "Will this hurt my credit score?"

At this point, that should not be a consideration.  The goal is to get these creditors "paid off" and not have to file for bankruptcy!

There will be time to improve your credit score later.

If you cannot qualify for Debt Management or Settlement, then your only option may be bankruptcy protection.

Make sure to seek the counsel of a bankruptcy attorney who specializes in bankruptcy.

Tags: best way to eliminate credit card debt, debt relief solutions, debt elimination without bankrupcy, alternatives to bankruptcy, debt consolidation vs. debt settlement, debt settlement help

What is the best way to eliminate credit card debt?

debt reliefWhen faced with too much credit card debt, you really only have 5 options:

1) Continue to make the minimum payments required by each of your creditors. 

Very few consumers understand that the Credit Card Industry does not want, nor expect you to ever fully repay your accounts!  Billions of dollars of interest and fees are earned from the millions of consumers who only pay the minimum payment each month.  It is estimated that in takes the average consumer 15-20 years to repay a single account at a cost of 3-4 times the total amount charged!

2) Home equity loan or line of credit with your home as security.

This type of loan places your most important asset at risk.  If you have sufficient equity can afford the monthly payment, this option may be viable for you.

The problem is that most consumers, who have a serious financial condition due to too much credit card or unsecured debt, usually will not qualify for a consolidation loan.

If you do qualify and secure a consolidation loan, remember, failure to meet the obligation of the 2nd mortgage could result in you losing your home! Be very careful in choosing option #2.

3) Debt Management is a program designed to help you pay off your unsecured debt in about 4 years with significantly lower interest rates and finance charges.

Agreements are established with each of your creditors.

  • You will have one monthly payment that will be distributed to each creditor according to the agreement negotiated by the Debt Management Company. 
  • This payment is may be slightly higher than your total current payment as the minimum payments most companies require is only 2% of the balance and in a DMP, the payment is usually higher.

Will this hurt your credit score?

According to Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO), being enrolled in a Debt Management Program is not a factor in your credit score.

4) Debt Settlement Program (DSP), is a program designed for those who are…

  • Facing financial hardship due to circumstances beyond their control.
  • Have considered a Debt Management Program, but cannot afford the monthly payment.
  • Do not want to file for bankruptcy.

Clients who qualify for a DSP have fallen behind on their payments or most likely, will do so in the near future. 

The objectives of a DSP are basically twofold:

  1. Negotiate settlement agreements with your creditor, usually for substantially less than you owe.
  2. Help you become DEBT-FREE without seeking bankruptcy protection.

 As the saying goes, "if all else fails...":

5) Bankruptcy should be your last and only option.

The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 launched a new era:  With limited exceptions, people who plan to file for bankruptcy protection must get credit counseling from a government-approved organization within SIX MONTHS BEFORE they file.  They also must complete a debtor education course to have their debts discharged.

Bankruptcy is a drastic decision and should only be considered after seeking the advice of a competent bankruptcy attorney.

In the midst of our country's financial crisis, you are not alone.  Maybe you should consider seeking help.

For a FREE Analysis that will help guide you to the right decision, click here.

Tags: credit card debt, debt settlement, best way to eliminate credit card debt, debt elimination without bankrupcy, alternatives to bankruptcy

I need relief from too much credit card debt!

  • My bills are piling up.Free Debt Summary
  • I can't make the minimum payments.
  • I have too much credit card debt.
  • What can I do?

You have maxed out most or all of your credit cards and due to circumstances beyond your control:

  • Loss of employment
  • Sickness
  • Emergency expenses
  • Divorce
  • General economic recession going on...

There is just not enough money to pay the main bills like the rent or mortgage, food, utilities and/or medical or medicines...not to mention to pay off the credit cards.

What now?

The first step is to get a clear picture of exactly where you are financially.  A simple budget spreadsheet will really help. 

I know this is scary and most people avoid know "how bad things are", but you need to know.

Knowing where you are may reveal:

  • You're not in bad a shape as you thought
  • You're in worse shape than you thought
  • Regardless, you'll know what you have to start attacking the problem!

Let's say after listing all net (after-tax and other deductions) you have $150/month to use toward paying off credit card debt.

The problem is, the minimum payments total over $300/month!


You can call each of your creditors to ask for a lower interest rate and payment so that your account will not go into default.

WARNING!  Creditors don't usually care about your hardship and may not be willing to help. If they will change the interest rate and lower the payment to fit your budget, great. If not...

Consider contacting a Debt Management Company to see if you would qualify for a Debt Management Program (formerly referred to as Credit Counseling).

If you do not qualify (payments would still exceed $150), then you should consider Debt Settlement.

After an account is delinquent more that 120-180 days, most creditors will consider settling the account for less than the full balance.  The problem is that they want 50%-75% of the balance and they want it now! 

Of course, if you had a couple of thousand of dollars on hand, you probably wouldn't be in trouble in the first place.

In some cases, they may consider a term-settlement plan, whereby you agree on a settlement amount and then a payment over several months.

Again, most creditors will tell you they cannot do that and that they would need all of the money in 6 months or less.

We have been helping people settle accounts for many years and have documented proof that they will indeed take a term-settlement for longer than 6 months.

If you cannot negotiate a reasonable settlement, then you should consider contacting a professional Debt Settlement Company.

For a Free, No-Obligation Review of your situation and possible solutions, click here.


Tags: best way to eliminate credit card debt, debt elimination without bankrupcy, create a budget, settling credit card debt on your own